Perodua Myvi
From RM90.00 - RM130.00Unit Price
- Attention: Please Contact Our Admin To Book For One Day Period +6011-1606 6154 (admin)
- Failed to return the car within rental period will be charged 10% of rental rates for every subsequent hour
Day based pricing : Perodua Myvi
1 - 2 days :
RM130.00 / Day
3 - 7 days :
RM120.00 / Day
8 - 14 days :
RM110.00 / Day
15 - 21 days :
RM100.00 / Day
22 - 90 days :
RM90.00 / Day
Hourly based pricing
1 - 1 Hours :
RM0.00 Fixed
2 - 5 Hours :
RM10.00 / Hour
6 - 24 Hours :
RM130.00 Fixed
Attention! Any Outstation Trip besides from Kuching, such as Sri Aman, Betong, Sibu, must encountered permission from the owner